Contest University

Although Dayton Hamvention is canceled this year, the Contest University has been moved online and will be free via Zoom. It runs from 1245z to ~2300z Thursday May 14 (7:45 AM to 6:00 PM CDT), and will have a great deal of interesting information from some very experienced operators. This is an incredible opportunity, and at a price that can’t be beat. Check it out if you have the time.
After going through the courses, there will be a contest Saturday that should be a great time to apply your new knowledge: the Hamvention QSO Party. It runs from 1200-2359z Saturday 5/16 (7 AM to 6:59 PM CDT), and the exchange is a signal report (59 on single-sideband voice or 5NN on Morse code) plus the four-digit year you first attended Hamvention or 2020 if you’ve never been.