West Bloomington 147.090+ Tone: None Central Bloomington Analog/Fusion 443.175+ DCS: 165
West Bloomington 147.090+ Tone: None Central Bloomington Analog/Fusion 443.175+ DCS: 165
Looking for information on how to become an amateur radio operator? Find information on upcoming classes, exams as well as study information for all levels here.
President: Rolf Krogstad NRØT Vice President: Martha Krogstad KEØTL Secretary: Dan Royer KEØOR Treasurer: Brian Gaffney KNØWN
Join us on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024 at 7pm at the Haeg Conference Room (south end of Civic Plaza). We will catch up on summer activities and have a presentation on four of the available programs which can be used to operate FT8/FT4 and other digital modes.
We hope to see you there!
73 Rolf NR0T
Slides from the May 7th meeting have been posted. Click on “Membership” > “Monthly Club Meeetings” and then under the section header “Past Meeting Archives” click the link for past meeting archives.
The presentation was by Mike White N9UXC and explored the capabilities of our 443.175 Yaesu repeater and Wires-X.
Mike White N9UXC’s slides about the Yaesu 443.175 repeater and Wires-X are posted here.
The May meeting of B.A.R.A. will be held on May 7th at 7pm in the Haeg Conference Room at the south end of the upper level of the Bloomington Civic Plaza, 1800 West Old Shakopee Road.
Mike White N9UXC will give a presentation on the analog and digital communication capabilities that come with Yaesu repeaters, such as the one that BARA has on 443.175 MHz. Key words for this technology which you may have heard include Wires-X, System Fusion, C4FM.
B.A.R.A. hosts a net every Sunday night at 9pm local time on the club’s 70cm Yaesu repeater. FM mode is used for the net. The frequency of the repeater is 443.175 Mhz and requires a +5 MHz transmit offset and a DCS tone of 165.
BARA meets on Tuesday April 2nd at 7pm. The meeting is on the upper floor of the Bloomington Civic Plaza in the Haeg Conference Room. This month’s presentation will feature Bill Mitchell, AE0EE (Minnesota Section Manager for the ARRL). He will give a presentation on his 2016 trip to HEARD ISLAND as part of of the VK0EK DXpedition.
Roger Roth (K0MPH) was our featured presenter for our March meeting, and presented “Antenna Modeling: Is It Worth It?”. He gave an interesting talk that showed how numerical electromagnetics code (NEC) is used, and applied it to several different antennas he was considering for use with Parks on the Air. Roger has graciously made his antenna modeling slides available.
January 2 – Bouvet, the most remote island on earth (NR0T)
February 6 – VHF Roving 101 (W0ZQ)
March 5 – Antenna Modeling, is it worth it? (K0MPH)
April 2 – My experiences on the Heard Island 2016 DXpedition (AE0EE)
Meetings are at 7pm in the Haeg Conference Room at Bloomington Civic Plaza, 1800 West Old Shakopee Road in Bloomington or on Zoom.
Fall 2023 we had the following programs at our meetings:
Sept ’23 – NR0T built a 70cm/2M portable J-Pole from ladder line
Oct ’23 – AE0EE discussed Fox Hunting including an indoor hunt
Nov ’23 – K0AD did a presentation on CW Academy
Dec ’23 – Our annual pizza gathering at Davanni’s
We are returning to the pre-COVID tradition of not meeting in July and August, and particularly so because the first Tuesday is July 4th. Enjoy the holiday, and we’ll see you on September 5th or at a semi-spontaneous event before then (e.g. W1AW/0 MN week 2)!
With forecast bad weather, the January meeting will be on Zoom only at 7:30 PM CST Tuesday 1/3/2023. Look for details on the email list, or contact Bill (AE0EE) via the info on the contact page.