Radios in the Park: ANTENNA SHOOTOUT July 26!

SARA’s “Radios in the Park: The Antenna Shootout” is Thursday July 26 at Valley View Park in Oak Park Heights. Setup begins about 5:30 and we’ll get the first antenna up and on the air shortly after.

The Antenna Shootout will compare 4 to 6 different antennas for propagation over the 2 to 2-1/2 hour time span of our Radios in the Park gathering. The WSPR beacon mode of the WSJT-X program will be means of testing, with the results gathered in realtime via The same radio, tuner, and computer will be used for each antenna. All test will be on 40 meters. The planned antenna line-up is as follows:
Home-brew Buddistick vertical (KC0OIO)
Buddipole, commercial version (club’s)
End-fed multiband HFedz (KC0OIO)
Center-fed Multiband Dipole (aka OXB special) (club’s)
Additional candidates include a loop antenna from N0BM, and a horse fence 40-meter dipole (just for the fun of it).
Come on out and enjoy the pleasant evening in the park!
Joe Heitzinger, KCØOIO
Stillwater Amateur Radio Association