Radios in the Park / Antenna Shootout in Oak Park Heights

We have Radios in the Park scheduled for August 16 at Valley View Park in Oak Park Heights.

The evening will feature Round 2 of the Antenna Shootout: Buddipole Showdown! Some issues came up that prevented a successful run using the Buddipole as a horizontal dipole on 40-meters during the Antenna Shootout on July 26th. Mike NØODK has spent the time to review the Buddipole instructions and practice setting it one up. Mike’s requested another go at the Antenna Shootout with the Buddipole. We going to do just that, with a twist. The Buddipole will be configured in vertical and horizontal configurations and run on both 40 meters and 30 meters using WSPR and WSPRnet to track the performance. In additional, Matt K0BBC heard about this round, and being proficient with the Buddipole (having participated in the Buddipole DXpedition to St Lucia Island in 2016 with the likes of W3FF himself) and will be bringing his Buddipole for a showdown. Matt will also share tips and tricks of using the Buddipole. This one will be fun! One thing we learned from the first round is that we need to provide realtime views of the reception reports for all to see. Plans are afoot to enable that this round, possibly with a projector onto the inside wall of the pavilion.