Category Archives: Club Meetings


September 4th Meeting

The Next meeting of the Bloomington Amateur Radio Association (BARA) and Bloomington AUXCOMM will be Tuesday September 4th.

7:00 PM Bloomington AUXCOMM
7:30 PM Bloomington Amateur Radio Association

Join us in Haeg Room, on the 2nd floor, of Bloomington Civic Plaza 1800 West Old Shakopee Road in Bloomington

If the door is locked call on the 147.09+ (tone 100.0) FM repeater or 443.100+ Bloomngton DMR repeater channel 1 (local 9) to gain building access

April 3 Meeting: Bylaws Change

At the February meeting, a change in the Constitution and Bylaws was proposed to eliminate the requirement to hold a post office box. We did not reach a quorum at our March meeting. The change is now on the agenda for the April 3 meeting (7:30 PM, Haeg conference room, Bloomington Civic Plaza). The document showing the changes (eliminating the post office box requirement, updated dates, and a few minor corrections to names and locations) can be found here.

Meeting Date Change: Next Meeting Tuesday Feb. 13

Because of a conflict with precinct caucuses on Tuesday Feb. 6th, the BARA meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday Feb. 13th. We will still meet in the Haeg conference room at Bloomington Civic Plaza at 7:30 PM, and our program will be on Logbook of the World.

As a reminder, if you haven’t already downloaded the TQSL program and submitted your request for a certificate, you should do that soon. To get your certificate you will need to receive a postcard the ARRL sends through the postal system, which can take a while. Instructions on how to do all this can be found here.

Similarly, the November meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday November 13th, 2018, to avoid conflict with the general election. See the Secretary of State’s website for information on voter registration, early/absentee voting, sample ballots, polling places, and other elections-related information.

VHF+ Rover Slides from Dave, W0ZF/R

Dave, W0ZF, has made his slides on VHF+ Rover operations that he presented at our September meeting available. It was great to hear a lot of activity on the air this weekend for the September VHF contest, and it’s not too early to start planning your rover adventures for June. You could make plans for January, too, but that often involves extra challenges here in Minnesota.

December 5th Holiday Party at Davanni’s

The Bloomington Amateur Radio Association and Bloomington AUXCOMM, in association with Richfield Radio Club, invite you to a holiday party to close the year 2017.

Davanni’s 8605 Lyndale Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55420

Tuesday December 5th
Come one come all to a dinner party to tell stories and share photos of the past year.
The party starts at 6:30 P.M.  Order your food, at the counter, and proceed to the party room.
You do not need to purchase food to attend.
Any licensed (or wants to be licensed) amateur radio operator is invited.

There is no meeting at Bloomington Civic Plaza tonight