Sunday Night Net Control Script

Revised: November 12th, 2014


“This is {YOUR CALL} on the 147.09 repeater sponsored by the Bloomington Amateur Radio Association using the callsign KDØCL. This net meets every Sunday evening at 2100 hours and is open to all stations. Your net control is {YOUR CALL}, my name is {YOUR NAME} and I’m located in {YOUR LOCATION}. Are there any emergency messages?- If so, please call now.”


“Are there any stations with announcements or bulletins? - If so, please call now.”

Club Website

“For more information about the Bloomington Amateur Radio Association please check out our web site at That’s W-W-W dot M-N ham radio dot com.”

General Traffic

“At this time I’ll stand by for stations looking to check into the net. Please use your full callsign. This is {YOUR CALL}.”

Take up to five calls at a time; if you just have one or two and there is a substantial delay, take the ones you have – one at a time. Answer each person when they turn it back to net control and then proceed with the next check-in. When the current group is done, repeat the above request for more check-ins.

Someone may ask for a “recheck” if they have something to add to their previous comments. Usually take the recheck first before running down the next group of check-ins.

For a nice touch, when you have run out of check-ins, go back to the top of your list and ask each check-in if they have anything more. When all are finished, proceed to close the net for the night.

Net Closing

“Hearing no more check-ins we will bring this net to a close. For more information about the Bloomington Amateur Radio Association please check out our web site at That’s W-W-W dot M-N ham radio dot com. In closing, I wish to thank all stations who checked in and remind everyone that this net will meet again next Sunday at 2100 hours. I now return the repeater to normal operations. This is {YOUR CALL} clear.”